This packet of worksheets includes fun activities about ancient Egypt, Greek mythology, dragons, pirates, monsters, and…
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is observed on January 21, 2019. Celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. King with these…
Discussion questions and extension activities that promote social-emotional skills like empathy, friendship, and…
Allow students to learn about outer space while you're away from your classroom with this substitute teacher kit for…
Take the fun up a notch with our Top 10 Halloween games for kids in grades K-8. Enjoy them all with your class during…
Our teacher guides for literature will help you extend the learning and enjoyment that your students get from reading…
Included are worksheets and activities that focus on endangered animals, waste, and treatment through estimation,…
Assign a project that introduces art and designs from East Africa. This is an excellent resource for use during the…
Students determine the hardness of two water samples, labeled only as A and B. Assesses their understanding of factors…
Prepare your class for understanding the subject of physics, with this printable book. Students will make motion graphs,…
Students build a scale model of the solar system. This activity includes Pluto as a planet, even though it is now…
Use this book guide to assist you in implementing the Grossology books into your curriculum. The Grossology series…
Investigate blood types with this printable science activity. Students will read the passage and use the information…
In this science activity, elementary students cooperatively design, build, and race cars made from fresh produce.
Hands-on look at the "basics" of acids and alkalis Introduce pupils to botany and the basics of acids and bases with…
Teach students about acetic acid with this hands-on science project. Students make bounceable eggs using vinegar, water,…
Use this slideshow to introduce students to some of the defining characteristics of mammals.
Get children excited about the impossible with this magician's tool kit for The Magician's Elephant by Kate DiCamillo.…
Help students identify ways to conserve natural resources with this Earth science printable. They will list common…
Students will refer to the labeled diagram of a hydroelectric system in this physics printable to answer questions about…
Use these printable activity sheets with the Timmy Failure series to encourage critical and creative thinking. Your…
Enrich your study of plants with a life science printable about their common uses. Students will use their knowledge of…
Develop students' library skills with this research activity about dinosaurs. Students will use library resources to…
As students graph data from rock samples in this science printable, they will examine the relationship between the age…