Create a bookmark for a realistic fiction story.
Students make a flipbook of the moon to view the various phases.
Use a lesson that explains how stars form constellations.
Students learn the distances between the planets in our solar system.*This activity includes Pluto as a planet, even…
Explore an activity that incorporates reading, drawing and critical thinking into a poetry lesson.
Use this lesson plan to teach students about the magnetic field surrounding the Earth.
Help students construct a device to measure relative humidity.
In this art activity, students use a variety of seeds to make pictures.
Teach students about plants by dissecting a seed in this science activity.
Students will plant various seeds to observe them grow.
Enjoy an art activity that teaches students about the shape and function of leaves.
Show students how new plants can grow from a parent plant without the need of a seed.
Use these experiments to teach students about the process which carries liquid into a plant.
As students learn why feeding wild animals can be more harmful than helpful, they will also explore ways they can…