Download for free! Here are 50+ great questions to ask an author during an interview Ever wondered about your favorite…
Please Note: this material was created for use in a classroom but can be easily modified for homeschooling…
Getting to know your students at the beginning of the year is crucial in establishing a strong teacher-student rapport.
Put Galileo's theories to the test with bricks and feathers! Introduce your pupils to the fundamentals of gravity with…
Using multiple intelligence activities in the classroom allows educators to cater to the varied ways in which different…
Teach students the same technique research mathematicians use! (Seriously.) "Guess and Check" is a problem-solving…
These get to know you bingo cards make a great back to school activity to help students (and you) get to know each other…
Promote positive community building with these conflict resolution activities for high school students. Suggestions…
Have your students create reports and presentations that cover all subject areas using PowerPoint. The use of PowerPoint…
Get to know yourself, and others, with this fun personal mandala activity! The word mandala originates from the…
Will a bottlecap really float in salt water?Students will learn about density and surface tension with this printable…
Learn about the science behind nutrition, and get the resources necessary to give your students an understanding of…
Use these enrichment activities and Internet resources to enhance teaching Anne Frank: Diary of a Young Girl.
Need a beginning of the year ice breaker? This game will help pupils get to know their classmates at the beginning of…
Easy and fun hands-on chemistry experiment Students learn about molecules and solutions with this hands-on science…
Introduce your students to a lab that evaluates students' ability to use data and charts to find foods that meet daily…
This no-prep writing activity packet includes everything you need for introducing and teaching character traits in…
Summer reading for grades 3-5, with activities! Pick any book from this list of the best kids' books and your students…
Green thumbs for everyone! Teach your pupils about horticulture and hydroponics with this hands-on printable science…
Teach children how to say "thank you" in many different languages. This printable provides an excellent activity for…
Students will learn about the life cycle of butterflies and find answers to frequently asked questions about these…
Use a lesson that provides students with an opportunity to learn about the behaviors and physical characteristics of…
Easily-adaptable example of a classic story format Students learn how to write "Choose Your Own Adventure" stories by…
Students will use found and recycled objects to make art. Then, they will evaluate their artwork and how their group…