Review the meaning of science terms with this vocabulary worksheet and word puzzle about chemical reactions.
Challenge students to identify the strength of an acid or a base by its pH level, and review the pH scale with…
Practice classifying substances as alloys or true metals with this physical science printable. Students will also review…
For this physical science activity, students draw force diagrams and identify the types and directions of forces…
Review science process skills with this printable worksheet. Students will identify which skill they would use in a…
Assess students' knowledge of physical science with a printable exam. This chemistry and physics test includes matching,…
Assess students' knowledge and understanding of the chemical and physical properties of matter with this science exam.…
Discover how safety technology can change momentum. In this printable, students will apply their knowledge of physics to…
Enrich your study of prehistoric animals with this science printable. Students will identify present-day animals that…
Use these printable flash cards to review Spanish vocabulary for animals.
After matching terms about the parts and types of fungi, students will label a diagram of a mushroom in this science…
A great homework assignment after a day of learning, this science printable reviews the response of plants to a…
Review the meaning of key science terms with this vocabulary worksheet and word puzzle about living things and the…
Model the structure of different atoms using this blank target printable.
Keep information about the rock cycle organized on this customizable graphic organizer. Tailor the PDF to your needs by…
In this activity, gummy bears are placed in numbered paper bags with predetermined numbers of different colored bears to…
In this science fair project, pupils bake soil to kill microorganisms and attempt to grow plants in the soil.
Students study a range of defensive strategies used by reptiles and amphibians.
In this lesson, students learn why preservation of wildlife is important.
Go green in your classroom with environmentally friendly tips that will save you and your school district money! Learn…
This guide to waste reduction focuses on ways to reuse and recycle at school and in the home. Ideas like unplugging…
Use this enrichment activity to practice interpreting graphs and applying science concepts. This printable includes a…
Quiz your students on energy, renewable resources, water pollution, and more issues related to our environment. This…
Use the life science printables in this gallery to create overhead transparencies and handouts for the study of human…