Help pupils build background knowledge of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, explore themes, focus on literary elements,…
Engage fans of fantasy fiction in a discussion about each Pendragon book with the questions in this printable guide.…
Supplement pupils' reading with activities and discussion questions for Hush, Hush, a suspense novel by Becca…
This reading guide for Tricks by Ellen Hopkins includes information about the book and author, a pre-reading activity,…
Discussion questions and extension activities in this guide will enhance pupils' reading of Repossessed, a teen novel by…
Guide class discussion about a modern retelling of "Beauty and the Beast" for teenagers with the prompts and extension…
Connect history, geography, and modern culture through extension activities for A Kiss in Time by Alex Flinn. This…
Examine the story elements of Amy Huntley's The Everafter through extension activities and discussion questions in this…
Enrich your study of horror fiction with a printable guide to The Monstrumologist, a horror story about man-eating…
This reading guide for Glass, the sequel to Crank by Ellen Hopkins, includes questions and activities to help you…
Engage students in conversations about illness, activism, community, and friendship with these discussion questions and…
This reading guide for Forge by Laurie Halse Anderson includes a pre-reading activity about the French and Indian War,…
This printable reading guide to Hope Larson's Mercury is full of great teaching tools, including discussion questions,…
This teacher's guide to The Curse of the Wendigo by Rick Yancey includes pre- and post-reading activities and discussion…
Use this extensive guide when teaching Susan Vreeland's novel The Forest Lover.
This printable discussion guide for Golden Boy by Tara Sullivan includes discussion questions, Common Core-aligned…
Connect language arts, social studies, and biology through an engaging history of cod fishery. This educator's guide to…
Engage students in the study of the themes and text of Henry David Thoreau's essay "Civil Disobedience" and Walden. This…
Introduce students to the slave narrative genre, then begin an in-depth study with Twelve Years a Slave: Narrative of…
A Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass an American Slave is easy to read; it makes the perfect selection for…
Two Years Before the Mast is a powerful 19th century personal narrative that presents the voice of the common seaman.…
Washington Square, set in New York during the 1840s, is a novel of manners by Henry James. This teacher's guide will…
Begin a chapter-by-chapter study of Why We Can't Wait by Martin Luther King, Jr. with this printable teacher's guide.…
Explore our digitally driven world with a chapter-by-chapter study guide for Present Shock: When Everything Happens Now…