Utilize the lesson planning resources in this guide to examine themes of power, corruption, and responsibility in The…
The six lessons in this literature guide for Good Brother, Bad Brother: The Story of Edwin Booth and John Wilkes Booth…
Enrich students' reading experience with the lesson planning resources in this teacher's guide for The Lord of the…
Consider the meaning of heroism with your class as students read The Lord of the Rings, Book Six. This printable…
Test students' knowledge of women in political history with this quiz. Use this printable in conjunction with the book…
Examine the life of a Nobel Peace Prize recipient with the resources in this printable teacher's guide for Theodore…
Preparation assignments, group discussion questions about lynching and civil rights, and many other resources are…
Discussion questions in this printable reader's guide for Taps will deepen student's understanding of the characters,…
The discussion questions in this printable reader's guide to A Certain Slant of Light will help you and your students…
My Ántonia is a classic American novel about an immigrant woman's life as a pioneer in Nebraska. The questions in this…
Stimulate class discussion and deepen students' understanding of the book The Sugar Island. The reader's guide will help…
Share these 12 tips with students who aspire to write their own children's book.
Share these ten tips with students who aspire to illustrate their own picture book.
Try a teacher's guide that includes character analysis, an overview of Ayn Rand's novels The Fountainhead and Anthem,…
In Life Studies, Vreeland explores the power of art by focusing on the lovers, servants, and children of the great…
Explore activities to be used with Stand Tall by Joan Bauer, a novel about helping children deal with tough times. This…
Explore teaching activities to extend and enrich the student understanding of the Girl in Hyacinth Blue by Susan…
Use a teacher guide to provide activities to be used with Girl with a Pearl Earring by Tracy Chevalier.
Use a teacher guide to provide activities and discussion questions to be used with the autobiography The Growing…
Use a teacher guide to provide activities to be used with The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde.
William Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra is a play filled with political intrigue, power struggles, war, and the…
E.L. Doctorow's City of God is a great book for those in late adolescence, when one's first serious questions about our…
In Henry IV Part I, Shakespeare explores the role of honor in both private and public life, what makes a good leader,…
The themes of William Shakespeare's Henry V include coming of age, justice and mercy, appearance vs. reality,…