Read about Julia Ward Howe -- an American suffrage leader.
An article about great Irish writers.
Answers for The Great Gatsby chapter three vocabulary quiz.
Read about the life of 14th-century writer Geoffrey Chaucer, author of The Canterbury Tales.
Ever wonder the origins of common idioms and proverbs? Find out where your favorites came from!
Tips for reading and retaining information from textbooks.
A list of ideas for written or oral reports concerning the 1920's.
A timeline of the history of publishing.
Brief biography of Agatha Christie.
A brief article listing common household pets around the world.
Review iambic pentameter with your students.
Review two literary techniques, alliteration and assonance, with this worksheet. Students can use these techniques in…
Explore Kate Chopin's 1899 novella about a woman awakening to the world's possibilities. A vocabulary list, discussion…
Administer a quiz that will test students' general knowledge about Irish literature and folklore.
The full text of Thoreau's "Civil Disobedience" on the involvement of the government in the lives of citizens.
A brief article about photographer and director Gordon Parks.
A brief article about Grammy Award-winning poet, writer, composer, and actress Maya Angelou.
Enhance understanding with a teaching guide for Great Expectations includes background information on Charles Dickens…
A brief article about Jame Baldwin, including related resources.
Enhance understanding with a teaching guide for Balzac's Cousin Bette includes discussion questions and history about…
Learn about Civil Rights leader James Meredith, who in 1961 was denied admission to the University of Mississippi…
Enjoy the company and ideas of other readers, expand your knowledge, and discover the wealth of wisdom found between the…
Learn how to explore the world of books by joining or starting your own reading group.
Learn more about the life of contemporary novelist Toni Morrison.