Test students' understanding of eclipses, solstices, equinoxes, phases of the Moon, time zones, and the seasons with…
Enrich your science, history, or English curriculum with the resources in this teacher's guide for Team Moon, the story…
Multiple-choice questions in this space-science exam are used to test students' knowledge and understanding of the solar…
Try a printable science activity that illustrates the cosmological phenomenon of the Big Bang. Students learn how…
Use this lesson plan to teach students about the Moon's phases. This astronomy activity is perfect for elementary and…
Students build a scale model of the solar system. This activity includes Pluto as a planet, even though it is now…
In this printable computer activity, students research the planets on the Internet and use PowerPoint or AppleWorks to…
Explore the concept of magnification and telescopic innovations with your students using the resources in this…
Compare each planet's diameter, distance from the Sun, and number of moons in this enrichment activity for space…
Identify and compare the characteristics of an elliptical, an irregular, and a spiral galaxy to complete the table in…
This is a spectacular and informative guide to the mysteries beyond Earth and the history of space exploration,…
Correctly define terms related to the Sun and other stars to solve this word puzzle. This space-science printable…
Teach your students about constellations with these three activities.
Students create "trading cards" of the sun and other objects in the solar system to demonstrate their understanding of…
Get an in-depth, comprehensive look at astronomy with a unique integration of words and pictures.
Correct false statements about solar eclipses and identify the parts of one illustrated in this astronomy printable.
Describe how a star forms and match key terms with their descriptions in this space science printable.
In this space science activity, students use information about temperature to correctly color the North Star, Procyon B,…
An African-American astronomer, Benjamin Banneker's accomplishments are reviewed along with related activities.
Children use this review sheet to reinforce concepts on comets, asteroids, and meteors. This printable includes a…
Interesting facts and fun activities related to Orson Welles's War of the Worlds broadcast.
After matching each phase of the Moon with its description, students will identify and sequence drawings of each phase.
In this review of what causes a lunar eclipse, students will identify the motions of Earth, the Sun, and the Moon and…
Complete each statement about the Moon in this space-science printable. As a skill challenge, students will practice…