Your students probably love Harry Potter so much, they will actually enjoy this quiz about J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter…
Check your students' knowledge of J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince with this entertaining quiz…
Supplement pupils' reading with the resources in this guide for The Book of Story Beginnings by Kristin Kladstrup. This…
Encourage pupil-led discussion in your classroom with Literature Circles. This teacher's guide illustrates how to set up…
Ask pupils to think about these discussion points before and while reading Becoming Joe DiMaggio, Almost Forever, or…
Guide reading and discussion of The Softwire: Virus on Orbis 1 by PJ Haarsma with these resources. This guide includes…
Use The Storm in the Barn – a graphic novel by Matt Phelan – to teach pupils about the Dust Bowl and life in America…
The resources in this literature guide include curriculum-connection activities and discussion questions for Never Mind!…
Make the most of A Voice of Her Own: Becoming Emily Dickinson with the discussion questions, extension activities, and…
Build on your study of ancient civilizations with this reading guide to the three books in the Oracle Prophecies by…
Use the discussion questions, curriculum-connection activities, and creative-writing prompts in this teacher's guide for…
This teacher's guide includes resources for two of Gail Carson Levine's books: discussion questions for Fairest and…
Share this reading guide with pupils to promote discussion about the themes, characters, and events in The White…
This guide includes discussion questions in English and Spanish to accompany the book Forest of the Pygmies by Isabel…
Facilitate classroom discussion about the themes, characters, and events in J. V. Hart's Capt. Hook: The Adventures of a…
Discuss compelling contemporary teen issues with these reading-guide questions for Now You See Her, a story about a…
The teaching resources in this guide will help you explain language use in the dystopian novel The Silenced by James…
Plan a lesson on fantasy fiction with the extension activities and group discussion questions in this reader's guide for…
Use the lesson-planning resources in this teacher's guide to Our Only May Amelia by Jennifer L. Holm to educate pupils…
Extend pupils' learning with creative-writing prompts and cross-curricular activity ideas in this educator's guide to…
Study a difficult time in Chinese history with this teacher's guide to Ji-li Jiang's Red Scarf Girl: A Memoir of the…
Engage fans of fantasy fiction in a discussion about each Pendragon book with the questions in this printable guide.…
Enrich your students' reading experience with discussion questions and activities for Dork Diaries #1: Tales from a…