Using reference materials, students will research the benthic zone, the pelagic zone, and adaptations that help animals…
Evaluate true/false statements about alternate forms of energy from the Sun, wind, and water. Then draw a flowchart that…
In this science printable about animal behavior, students will evaluate cause-and-effect relationships and identify…
Use the activities on this poster to explore the implications of global warming and climate change on the Earth. The…
Integrate life science and physical science with the questions in this printable. To answer these questions about…
Review the characteristics and processes of an ecosystem with the questions in this science printable. Students will…
Consider whether certain factors of the environment affect the ability of plants and/or animals to survive. In this…
Ecological succession is the gradual change in the population of organisms that occurs when the environment changes. The…
Use this science activity to enrich your study of food webs. In this printable, students will classify each consumer as…
In this science printable, students will use reference materials to answer questions about competition, predation, and…
Interesting facts and fun activities related to the story of a giant squid attacking a 150-ton ship and dragging it to…
These valuable reviews of science-teaching materials focus on books that explore reptiles and amphibians. They are…
This article includes a description of the Eastern Newt, as well as an explanation of its habitat, natural history,…
Use this printable glossary as a reference when discussing the environment and ways to live greener in your classroom.…
Use the activities in this guide before, during, and after reading the book.
A hands-on activity to help students understand animal adaptation by examining the diversity of bird beaks.
After completing worksheet 1 of this project, students perform several tasks describing an adaptation of their choice.
Here is a spectacular and informative guide to the natural world of mammals, offer a unique "eyewitness" view of the…
Give students practice identifying coral reefs with this oceanography printable. Students will complete statements about…
The questions in this Earth science printable will help students review how climate affects living things. As a skill…
Assess students' knowledge and understanding of climatology with this Earth science test. Weather conditions, climate…
Review the interaction of living things and their environment with this Earth science printable. Students will match the…
Investigate animal life cycles with this activity. Students will use the information provided in this printable to make…
Connect the study of earth science and life science with this printable. Students will answer true/false and…