Help your students learn how to overcome issues independently by integrating problem-solving skills into your lesson…
Reading Warm-Ups Start each day with a new warm-up! These short, self-contained activities can be used in lots of…
Teach students the same technique research mathematicians use! (Seriously.) "Guess and Check" is a problem-solving…
Learn the different parts of lesson plan procedures and how you can increase your students' understanding of your…
With this teaching strategy resource, we show you how to make the most out of KWL charts in your classroom. K-W-L stands…
Extends students' learning experience reading literature. Students will use this printable worksheet to describe in…
Get ready for your first day of teaching with these ideas on how to show your personality to your students. New…
This is the perfect lesson planning template for student teachers, new teachers, those required to turn them in, or…
Help students find the connections between connections between math and music with these music and math lesson plans,…
Supplement your study of literature in your middle and high school classrooms, with our most popular lesson plans.…
Have your students create reports and presentations that cover all subject areas using PowerPoint. The use of PowerPoint…
Students learn more easily when they have a desire to learn Discover the laws of learning and how students use the…
Get to know yourself, and others, with this fun personal mandala activity! The word mandala originates from the…
Download for free! This article describes analytic and holistic rubrics and lists the advantages of each. Using the…
Time-lapse experiment that's great for a unit on states of matter Students test a variety of metals in water and salt…
Will a bottlecap really float in salt water?Students will learn about density and surface tension with this printable…
TPS explained and demystified, with tips for new teachers and pros alike! The think, pair, share strategy is a…
Problem-solving is a critical 21st Century and social-emotional skill The "draw a picture" strategy is a…
Collaboration is critical 21st Century and social-emotional skill Jigsaw is a grouping strategy in which the members of…
From "ability groupings" to "wait time," we've got you covered! If you are confused about all the different education…
Your view of learning and student/teacher roles determines the method by which you teach This insightful article will…
How do successful teachers improve classroom behavior? Effective behavior management is a priority for successful…
Read these tips on how to incorporate exceptional students into your classroom, a very important matter for teachers to…
The process of "choosing the operation" involves deciding which mathematical operation (addition, subtraction,…