Read about Jackie Robinson's achievements, and explore the related activities to learn more about this pioneering…
Download an educator's guide to the 2015 Newbery Medal-winning book The Crossover by Kwame Alexander. In this middle…
Try the new and improved, downloadable Math Baseball. It's the most popular math practice game ever invented and…
This educator's guide for Newbery Award-winning poet and novelist Kwame Alexander's verse novel Rebound is Common…
Students will develop self-monitoring strategies and active reading methods with this activity. It reinforces the…
Interesting facts and fun activities related to baseball.
Browse a printable teacher resource book that is filled with realistic activities involving baseball, including score…
Teach children about teamwork, heroes, and friendship through discussion questions and activity suggestions for the…
Enrich students' reading experience with the discussion questions, writing prompts, research topics, and drama…
A biography of Newbery Award-Winning author Jerry Spinelli. One of his most popular children's book is Maniac Magee,…
Share the story of Wilma Rudolph's achievements with your students, and assign the related activities to help them learn…
New events promise to add cool factor to the 2018 Winter Olympic Games in Pyeongchang, South Korea. There are 4 new…
Interesting facts and fun activities related to heavyweight boxing and boxing champs like Muhammad Ali.
Share the story of Althea Gibson with your students, and assign the related activities as a way of learning more about a…
Help students learn the Spanish words for sports and sports equipment with these handouts. Each Spanish word is paired…
Choose the most sensible answers to math questions about a baseball game.
Read about Babe Ruth's life and accomplishments, and explore the related activities to learn more about this legendary…
This baseball math puzzle requires the use of critical thinking skills.
Basketball and social-emotional learning are the focus of this Reading Group Guide for Point Guard. Tolerance, diversity…
This teaching guide for 42 is Not Just a Number , a powerful biography of the life and courage of Jackie Robinson, is…
Explore teaching activities to be used with The Boy Who Saved Baseball by John H. Ritter.
Review hockey scores and statistics from 1972, when Team Canada defeated the Soviet National Team. This article includes…
Discover the origins of the Stanley Cup, hockey's most prized trophy. Read about the Cup's history, and learn how the…
Share these achievements of women sailors with your pupils. Pupils will imagine they are Ellen MacCarthur during here…