In 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first person to venture beyond Earth's atmosphere. Since his journey, about 450 people…
Enrich your science, history, or English curriculum with the resources in this teacher's guide for Team Moon, the story…
Share the story of Neil Armstrong and the race to the moon with your students, and assign the related activities to help…
Interesting facts and fun activities related to Yuri Alekseivich Gagarin, the first human ever to fly in space.
This is a spectacular and informative guide to the mysteries beyond Earth and the history of space exploration,…
Complete statements about space exploration and sequence events in this astronomy printable. Use this worksheet to…
Enrich your study of space science with this worksheet about space shuttles. In this printable, students will use…
Study how rockets propel spacecraft in this science printable. Students will define terms about rockets and spacecraft…
This worksheet reviews the purpose and features of space stations. In this printable, students will label the parts of a…
Write the astronomy term that best fits each description, then use your answers to solve the puzzle. In this vocabulary…
Test students' knowledge and understanding of space exploration with this printable astronomy exam. Students will…
Learn about the planets in other solar systems than ours.
Learn about the discovery of Sedna – the most distant object ever identified in our solar system – by reading…
Use this reference and related activities to learn about the Soviet space program, space exploration, and space…
This Common Core-aligned teaching guide includes numerous individual and group activities sure to spark your students'…
Encourage your students to catch a glimpse of the space station in the night sky.
An article describing the 30,000 pieces of rocky debris between the orbits of Jupiter and Mars known as the asteroids,…
An article describing how scientists have determined the age of the universe.
Teach your students about the first space missions that the United States undertook in the 1970s.
Robert Goddard worked on developing rockets. A biography and related activities are included.
Interesting facts and fun activities related to Sally Ride, the first woman on the space shuttle.
Interesting facts and fun activities related to Kudryavka, the first dog in outer space.
Some interesting facts and fun activities related to Halley's Comet.
Teach students about the possibilities of an asteroid collision with Earth. This is an enlightening discussion for Near…