How much do students know about Australia's outstanding athletes? In this worksheet, students match each Olympic gold…
Students will develop self-monitoring strategies and active reading methods with this activity. It reinforces the…
The 1936 Berlin Olympics were unique in many ways. For instance, Jesse Owens won four gold medals! Have students read…
Study themes of family, patriotism, fear, kindness, survival, and change with this teacher's guide to Angel on the…
Interesting facts and fun activities related to William Tell and his famous arrow activities of 1307, plus an Olympic…
Test your students' knowledge about the ancient Olympic games with this quiz. This printable can be used as an in-class…
The wintertime Olympic Games are a quadrennial tradition. How much do your students know about this sporting…
The Olympic Games are a sporting tradition. How much do your students know about the wintertime games?
Match each Olympic athlete with the sport in which he or she medaled. Then, choose an athlete to research, and write…
How much do you know about the 2012 Summer Games? Use this multiple-choice quiz to test students' knowledge of Olympic…
Connect reading, math, and social studies with this fill-in-the-blank reading passage about the 2012 Summer Olympic…
Encourage your students to learn about life in Russia in the 1910s by reading the background information and doing one…
Expand your pupils' knowledge of world geography with this printable activity. Pupils will find and label the major…