With this printable book of science lab skills, students learn lab terms, how to perform experiments, and more. This…
Prepare your class for understanding the subject of physics, with this printable book. Students will make motion graphs,…
Connect creative writing and physical science with this printable activity. Students use their knowledge of density,…
Students learn about classification systems and how they are used in science. They are given tips for classifying, they…
Use this printable to help students design a scientific experiment. Students will identify a problem, form a hypothesis,…
Students write a hypothesis about how the length of a string affects the time it takes for a pendulum to complete one…
Use this lab to teach your students how insulation can help to store heat.
Students learn how oral and written communication are used in science. They are given tips for communicating in science,…
Students practice communicating by describing a picture from a magazine to a classmate.
Organize a scientific lab report by using this printable to keep track of the title, background information, purpose,…
A checklist of tasks and suggested timing in preparation for a science fair.
Introduce your students to a lab that evaluates students' ability to distinguish between living and nonliving things,…
Students discuss how advances in microscopes have enabled scientists to view items on an atomic scale.
Students discuss the human genome, DNA, and how much computer space it would take to unravel the entire sequence.
Students learn how imprinting at birth affects how an animal lives its entire life.
Distribute a printable set of vocabulary words related to weather.
Review the idea of spontaneous generation and the experiments of Francesco Redi and Louis Pasteur with this science…
In this life science printable, students will answer questions about microscopes, label the parts of a compound…
Use a printable that contains several science activities students can do with eggs.
Use this printable to evaluate students' understanding of the scientific method: Have them write an explanation for each…
Bats are the second largest order of mammals, and they play a critical role in the ecosystem. The Bat Scientists…
Journey through history to learn how sea turtles came to be endangered, and what scientists like Dr. Kimberly Stewart…
The Elephant Scientist traces scientist Caitlin O'Connell's careful research process that led to a ground-breaking…
The outstanding writing and photographs in The Snake Scientist will capture students' attention as they learn about…