Learn why colonial Americans were upset with British tax laws, such as the Stamp Act.
In this Colonial times lesson, students learn about the methods of preparation and the types of food eaten by the…
Learn about the history of New England food and cooking with this information sheet and worksheet about Colonial times.
Take a detailed look at the people and events surrounding the signing of the Declaration of Independence and the Fourth…
Discuss L. M. Elliott's Give Me Liberty, a novel that explores the life of colonists in the 1770s and their quest for…
Solving rebus puzzles will reinforce Pilgrim-related vocabulary.
This reading warm-up features a passage on early European settlements and questions to check comprehension. Use this…
Estimated population during colonial times.
This assessment tool is for use in conjunction with the "Old Sturbridge Village" lesson.
A description of the First Continental Congress that met in Philadelphia on Sept. 5, 1774.
Enrich class time during the Thanksgiving holiday season by encouraging your students to use the Internet for research,…
This Colonial America activity for elementary and middle school students is perfect for helping your students learn…
How much do your students know about America's earliest days of independence and one of the country's most important…
Colonial life is reviewed in this puzzle.
Colonial terms are hidden in these word puzzles.
Review the events of the Boston Tea Party with this puzzle. Students are given clues to answer the questions about…
State nicknames are reviewed in this worksheet about the original thirteen colonies.
OVERVIEW: This project-based learning lesson is designed to support and reinforce the concepts taught as part of a…
It is as important to listen to a different opinion as it is to question it. This printable social studies activity…
This printable warm-up helps students master important reading skills with nonfiction text. The reading activity focuses…
Assign a project that centers on the creation of a publication called the Colonial American Gazette. Children will…