This spreadsheet activity asks students to collect, organize, and graph data. Students will use formulas to convert…
Teach students the difference between a document and a template with this word processing lesson. Students will create a…
Discover a grammar lesson that includes word processing activities on possessive nouns, adverbs, verbs, and adjectives.…
Students use the Internet to research turkey consumption worldwide. They graph their data with a spreadsheet program,…
Introduce students to basic spreadsheet terms with this lesson about Microsoft Excel®. In order to use this computer…
Further students' knowledge of column charts in Microsoft Excel® with this computer lesson plan. Students will make…
In this computer lesson, students will learn how to create a pie chart from survey data in a Microsoft Excel®…
In this computer lesson plan, students use a line chart to compare profits from two different school years. Following…
Celebrate President's Day with this printable computer activity. Students choose a U.S. President to write about, and…
In this printable computer activity, students practice formatting in word processing, as they create acrostic poems for…
Hand out a printable computer activity that will help your students perfect their spreadsheet skills, as they create a…
In this printable classroom activity, students brainstorm a list of their favorite foods at Thanksgiving. Then they use…
In this printable computer activity, students learn about formulas on a spreadsheet and use this knowledge to calculate…
Develop your students' Internet browsing skills with this printable computer activity. Students research a city or…
In this printable computer activity, students develop their Internet browsing skills as they learn about the human body.
Students practice using the World Wide Web as they research local and international weather on the Internet and complete…
In this computer lesson, students use the Internet to research hieroglyphs. Then they use a word processing program to…
In this computer lesson, students learn how to create a newsletter using a word processor. Students should first be…
Students work with patterns to explore geometric shapes and symmetry in this word processing activity. They should be…
Present a lesson that will help improve students' computer skills while teaching them Greek mythology. Students research…
Students take a tour of 19th-century Sturbridge Village to learn about life in a typical New England town during that…
A visit to a virtual honeybee hive illustrates what it takes to make a successful community.
Students travel back in time to learn about the lives of the immigrant families who made their home in a tenement on New…
What's in a state? What makes it great? Students learn more about a chosen state and create a rhyming poem to display…