Present a lesson that will help improve students' computer skills while teaching them Greek mythology. Students research…
Through a series of activities, students will learn how their heart functions.
Students will take a walk through the digestive system to see how food passes through the body.
In this art activity, students use a variety of seeds to make pictures.
Teach students about plants by dissecting a seed in this science activity.
Students will plant various seeds to observe them grow.
Enjoy an art activity that teaches students about the shape and function of leaves.
Show students how new plants can grow from a parent plant without the need of a seed.
Use these experiments to teach students about the process which carries liquid into a plant.
Teach students about story sequence by rearranging the lines of the stanzas in correct order.
Increase grammar skills with a lesson and printable activity packet on superlatives includes "Rules to Remember," a…
In this grammar lesson and activity, students learn about compound adjectives through word play. The printable packet…
Students learn grammar "Rules to Remember" for the homophones its/it's and practice their usage in a word play activity.…
Students practice using homophones to complete jokes in this printable grammar activity.
In this printable activity packet, students learn "Rules to Remember" for problem verbs, then practice their grammar…
With this lesson plan, students learn that presidential elections are decided by the electoral college and not popular…
Worksheet that aligns with the lesson, "The United States Commemorative State Quarter Program."
This lesson plan focuses on Thomas Jefferson. Students will learn an appreciation for 19th-century life and the…
Students use the information they obtain through independent research to create a Colonial Kaleidoscope -- a colorful…
Assign a project that centers on the creation of a publication called the Colonial American Gazette. Children will…
As students learn why feeding wild animals can be more harmful than helpful, they will also explore ways they can…
Students visit websites to learn about important African Americans and the honor of being featured on U.S. postage…
Teaching students to free-associate and generate a list of things they are thankful for is a fun way to help your class…
Help your students learn about the U.S. flag with this bulletin board.