Test students' arithmetic skills with real-life word problems involving units of measurement. Students must multiply,…
Learn how to teach the concept of measurement to students in grades K-5, with this professional development resource for…
This measurement printable contains images of a centimeter ruler, an inch ruler, and a protractor. Use these…
Distribute a group activity that explains the musical relationship between length of instruments and their pitch.
Use these word problems to give students practice adding and subtracting money and units of measure. Students will add…
Find printable rulers and protractors to use in your classroom. Use the mathematical instruments in this gallery to help…
This professional development resource will help you teach students in grades K-5 how to measure time, a surprisingly…
Develop students' measurement concepts and their understanding of fixed area with this lesson plan from Teaching…
In this worksheet, students practice estimating length using a benchmark of hand span. They are asked to measure things…
Discover everything you need to successfully teach measurement to elementary students, from references and lesson plans…
The first thing most people notice about weather is the temperature. This activity will show you how to make a…
These real-life word problems give students practice adding and subtracting money, time, and units of measure. To solve…
Convert metric measurements to U.S. Customary measures! Your students are going to love how useful this worksheet is…
Teach your students how to measure temperature in celsius and fahrenheit with this blank thermometer worksheet. This…
Give students practice choosing appropriate units to measure the length (inches, feet, yards) or weight (ounces, pounds,…
Use this activity with students learn about key mathematically concepts Fahrenheit and Celsius, and answer questions…
Use this 24-centimeter printable ruler to practice measuring with metric units with your students. Students can cut out…
Your students will employ key critical thinking skills to solve time, measurement, and money problems in this activity.…
Teach students the concept – and importance – of the metric system, with this professional development resource for…
This professional development resource will help you teach the concept of linear measurement to grades K-5.
You students can use this 12-inch printable ruler in your study of the English system of measurement. Younger students…
Utilize this printable 2-cm square grid to explore mathematical units and develop measurement concepts. Further enhance…
Learn when formulas are necessary for the study of measurement and when there are other more useful ways to teaching the…
In this professional development resource, you will learn how to teach your students about measuring volume.