Students are shown shapes drawn on grid paper and asked to count the small squares or small triangles to find the areas…
Students are given grid paper, a shape design and instructions to draw similar shape.
Students are asked to find three different ways to use Power Polygons to make each regular polygon.
Students are asked to fill in a chart based on their knowledge of regular polygons and the patterns they follow.
Students must determine if a series of shapes are regular polygons.
Students are asked to write the measure of the missing angles in each drawing so that the sum equals 180 degrees.
Students are shown a grid with several right angles drawn on it. They must write the correct problem number inside each…
Students are given a specified amount of sides and angles and must decided if it is possible to construct a shape with…
Students are given several sets of rules along with different shapes. They must choose the correct shape that follows…
In this worksheet students are asked to identify shapes with parallel sides. They are also asked to explain the…
Students are asked to sort triangles by the types of angles they contain.
Students are given several ordered pairs of numbers and must use these to draw polygons on a grid.
Students are shown a grid and asked to write the vertices for a rectangle and square. Next they must draw a polygon on…
Students are asked to count the number of sides in different polygon shapes. They must further identify which shapes are…
Numerical prefixes such as uni- or tri- or quint- are defined.
Students answer questions and use a diagram to explore the area of right triangles.
Students evaluate scenarios involving geometric shapes to answer questions.
Students use diagrams to measure and compare angles.
Students explore different characteristics of triangles by looking at the food pyramid.
Students solve problems by drawing quadrilaterals.
Students explore congruence and motions in pentominoes.
Students explore line symmetry and practice dividing figures into congruent parts.
Cut out the rectangles in this math printable and compare the shapes. Have students estimate the area of the rectangles…
Students measure and compare sets of rectangles using a centimeter ruler and square centimeter piece in this math…