Use this form to evaluate an individual or group student project. The checklist can also be used to guide students as…
In your role as collaborator/communicator, you will be working with other staff members in the school, especially those…
Capture your students' attention with this lesson focusing on "The Riddle Song" to show the pentatonic scale and…
A concept wheel is a graphic organizer that asks who, what, where, when, why, and how? This is a helpful resource for…
Use this resource with your students to help them understand there is a secret abbreviated language they can use to…
Children will have fun learning about different types of codes and creating their own secret code in this spy activity.
Use this printable with special or general populations to encourage students to self-reflect and relate with others.…
This colorful printable puts parents and kids in each others' shoes, and can also be used as a homework exercise…
Students will create questions to ask their favorite authors.
Ever wonder the origins of common idioms and proverbs? Find out where your favorites came from!
Students learn how to spell out the alphabet using American Sign Language.
In this activity, students explore the possibilities for nonverbal communication and emotion.