Summer reading chart printable for all elementary grades! Keep your students interested in reading and help their…
After students read Aesop's fable "The Fox and the Goat," they complete a vocabulary activity and draw conclusions about…
After students read Aesop's fable "Two Travelers and the Bear," they complete a vocabulary activity and draw conclusions…
Use this quiz as a way of assessing students' reading comprehension skills on the story Charlotte's Web. This…
Keep your students reading this summer! The summer reading calendar is a simple and easy way to get your students…
Browse a printable book of teacher resources that focuses on different areas of the library. Students will learn about…
Help students build their reading comprehension or prewriting skills through organizing main ideas and supporting…
After reading the Christmas poem A Real Santa Claus by Frank Dempster Sherman, students will complete a cloze activity…
Use a lesson that provides students with an opportunity to draw conclusions using one of Aesop's enjoyable fables.…
Summer vacation means plenty of time for students to catch up on their reading! Print out this list of suggested fiction…
Comic strips are a great way to encourage reading and writing and reinforce key story elements.
Use a lesson that introduces the Question-Answer Relationship strategy to intermediate students. Students should be able…
Poetry is an ideal way to help students with fluency and to appreciate the beauty of words. Use these activities to help…
Students learn to summarize one chapter from a Harry Potter book and write a one scene script for it.
Students will read a nonfiction passage about Colonial gardens and answer related reading comprehension questions in…
A wealth of resources, lesson plans, and activities that can be used with the story Teammates by Peter Golenbock.
This KWL Chart will help students organize what they know, want to know, and will learn by following a lesson. This…
Use this graphic organizer while teaching any subject to help your students understand the cause and effect. This…
In this printable warm-up, students read a passage of historical fiction and answer comprehension questions.
In this lesson, the teacher will read The Wall by Eve Bunting with the purpose of focusing on asking important…
The object of this graphic organizer is to identify the main idea and supporting details in a text that is being read.…
In this printable reading warm-up, students learn about Colonial times through a historical fiction passage about the…
Create a summer reading list students will look forward to with book recommendations by grade, reading level, and theme.…