After listening to a story read aloud to the class, students will use the story characters as inspiration for their own…
Puppets are one of the oldest forms of storytelling. For this activity, students will create Bali shadow puppets to…
Have students express story elements through art. For this craft project, students will use the ideas, themes and…
Learn how to make a piggy bank out of papier-mâché. This arts and crafts activity is a fun way to teach students about…
Real-world application on how to get the most for your students when they read aloud.
Find out what it is like to be a judge for the Newbery Awards for outstanding children's literature.
Born: Aug. 4, 1961 Birthplace: Honolulu, Hawaii Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. made history in June 2008, when he became…
Find information about the career highlights of Mordecai Richler, a Canadian novelist and critic.
Read about Harriet Beecher Stowe, an American reformer and author of Uncle Tom's Cabin.
Our teacher discussion guide for Neighborhood Sharks includes various questions and activities to help guide your…
Full of adventure and emotion, Race to the Bottom of the Sea is an enthralling novel. Use our Teacher Discussion Guide…
Review hockey scores and statistics from 1972, when Team Canada defeated the Soviet National Team. This article includes…
Discover the origins of the Stanley Cup, hockey's most prized trophy. Read about the Cup's history, and learn how the…
Read about the life and work of Salman Rushdie, an Indian-born English novelist and critic, in this biography.
These activities are designed to help your reading of The Gorp's Gift, a story about gun safety and accident prevention.
Students answer what they would do if they found a gun. For use with The Gorp's Gift, a story about gun safety and…
Put Gorp's story back in order. For use with The Gorp's Gift, a story about gun safety and accident prevention.
Students pretend to be the town's mayor, listing ways they would promote non-violence. For use with The Gorp's Gift, a…
The following exercises are activities for before and after you read The Gorp's Gift.
Read a biography of the fictional secret agent James Bond – created by Ian Fleming – to learn more about this…
Sir Thomas More is a Catholic saint. Read this biography to learn more about the life and death of this British writer…
Ever wonder the origins of common idioms and proverbs? Find out where your favorites came from!
Assign these essay topics to your class when reading Barbara Robinson's book The Best Christmas Pageant Ever.
The amendments to the U.S. Constitution.