Introduce children to classical music through the engaging and entertaining murder mystery The Composer Is Dead by…
Use this literature guide to review vocabulary, check reading comprehension, and encourage students to make predictions…
Dig Deeper project-based learning units are a multisensory and interdisciplinary approach, incorporating learning styles…
Use this chart to compare the basic elements of two stories. This printable is customizable. Tailor the PDF to your…
This web is a helpful tool for brainstorming. This printable is customizable. Tailor the PDF to your teaching needs by…
Text structure is such a hard skill for students to learn. Using these graphic organizers will help students work…
Create a memorable storytelling unit for your class with the help of this teacher's guide.
Identify the setting, plot, point of view, theme, and main characters of a realistic fiction selection.
Learn the history behind the "The Star-Spangled Banner" while improving students' reading skills. This printable warm-up…
Help your students master important reading skills with a reading passage and comprehension questions about filmmaker…
Examine the arguments for teacher selection while improving your students' reading skills. This printable warm-up…
Educate students about the health benefits of sleep while improving their reading skills. This printable warm-up…
Teach your students about bison and improve their reading comprehension skills with a reading passage and questions, in…
Teach your students about squirrels while improving their reading comprehension skills. This printable warm-up includes…
Build students' reading comprehension skills with a passage of fantasy fiction and reading comprehension questions in…
Students write about the meaning of this everyday idiom.
Children write about the meaning of this everyday idiom.
Write about the meaning of this everyday idiom.
Students learn new vocabulary about geology while practicing reading comprehension.
Study the life of Barack Obama with the resources in this literature guide to Barack Obama: Son of Promise, Child of…
Introduce your students to Diane and Blanca, two second-grade girls who find a creative way to overcome a language…
This teaching guide includes author interviews, discussion questions, cross-curricular activities, and reading…
Examine the nature of friendship with the activities in this guide to Poodle and Hound, written by Kathryn Lasky and…
Explore themes of peace and generosity as you discuss the story of Greg Mortenson and his journey to change the world.…