Use this educational worksheet to teach children about non-renewable and renewable energy resources. In this activity,…
Quiz students on climates, animal adaptations, and climate change with the multiple-choice questions in this printable.
People know that the "three Rs" stand for Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. But do you know how to put these concepts into action?…
Included are worksheets and arts & crafts activities about the earth, the sun, climate, solids and liquids, rocks,…
Composting is the controlled decomposition of organic materials. This printable guide to the basics of composting – and…
Pupils learn the connection between rubbish and climate change with this printable packet of activities. This is a…
Children are asked to identify which statements are true or false concerning recycling and pollution. This is a good…
Learn how some insects cause harm, from damaging crops to spreading disease. Using the facts in this printable, students…
Educate your students about environmental issues while improving their reading skills. This printable warm-up includes a…
Use this matching math activity with your students. In this worksheet, children are asked to write equations based on…
Use a lesson that provides students with an opportunity to learn about products native to tropical rain forests.
Introduce your students to a lab that evaluates a student's ability to develop a classification system for trash, to…
This crossword puzzle, which uses common recycling words, is a great supplement to a unit on Earth Day or global…
Review vocabulary with an exercise that tests students' knowledge of words describing various aspects of the rain…
Students work with a partner to make a WANTED poster for the leader of the Pollutants.
Educate students about the history of Australia's Snowy Mountain Hydro-Electric Scheme with this reading passage and…
You don't need to spend a lot to ensure that your students have all the materials they need. Follow these tips to cut…
Use the lessons and activities in this printable book to help your class understand how we can save our environment.…
Source reduction, also known as waste prevention, is the practice of designing, manufacturing, purchasing, or using…
This teaching guide for Judy Moody and the Bucket List includes projects, printables, and standards-aligned Language…
The koala faces many threats to its habitat and food supply. Get students thinking about what they can do to help save…
What dangers do insects face in our modern world? Find out by reading the facts in this worksheet, then use the…
Teach your students about bison and improve their reading comprehension skills with a reading passage and questions, in…
Use the activities on this poster to explore the implications of global warming and climate change on the Earth. The…