This fun grammar song demonstrates when we use capital letters: to start sentences, for the first letter of proper…
A complete sentence requires a subject and predicate, and this video explains how to use both.
Verbs are found in many forms and used in different ways. This grammar video introduces verbs and subject-verb…
A noun is a word that names a person, animal, place, or thing. Watch this grammar video to learn about common nouns,…
Sing about the function of conjunctions "and," "but," "or," and "so." This grammar song provides examples to help kids…
Explain the function of the participle, comparative adjectives, superlative adjectives, and proper adjectives with this…
Learn about the life cycle of insects. This video explains how caterpillars go through a complete metamorphosis to…
In this conversation, Archbishop Desmond Tutu discusses how people around the world long for the same things. This video…
This conversation with Archbishop Desmond Tutu, co-author of God's Dream, is the third of four inspirational video clips…
This video clip (0:54) is second of a four-part conversation with Archbishop Desmond Tutu, co-author of God's Dream.
This video clip (1:51) is the first of a four-part conversation with Archbishop Desmond Tutu, co-author of God's Dream.
In this video interview (10:09), author Kate DiCamillo explains how she came up with the idea for her book The…