This packet of worksheets includes fun activities about ancient Egypt, Greek mythology, dragons, pirates, monsters, and…
Connect history and literature with the Boys of Wartime novels by Laurie Calkhoven. Students will experience the Siege…
Use these Common Core reading and writing activities with The 13-Story Treehouse and The 26-story Treehouse by Andy…
Take young readers on an enthralling adventure with one of the most widely read series in the history of fantasy. The…
Connect music and reading with this craft project. Students will build African hand drums, then use sounds and rhythms…
Use a teaching guide that includes discussion ideas and activities for use with Adelita.
Use this book guide to assist you in implementing the Grossology books into your curriculum. The Grossology series…
Recognize a student's great reading skills with this printable award! This printable is customizable. Tailor the PDF to…
Students identify the problem and its solution after reading a passage or story with this graphic organizer. Check for…
In this printable, children will make predictions about what will happen in a story, and then drawing their prediction.…
Enrichment activities and internet resources to enhance teaching The Jolly Postman by Janet and Allan Ahlberg.
In this printable reading warm-up, students learn about the life of an explorer. Use this short biography on Sacagawea…
Inform your students about the dangers of childhood obesity while improving their reading skills. This printable warm-up…
Deliver a lesson plan that will help you teach students to read on the Web, a skill that is different from reading…
Teach students to use a KWL and a Who, What, When, Why, Where, and How Charts to extract important details about a text.
Use this worksheet to teach students how to write a script to perform in class. This activity can be used in conjunction…
This fun cut-and-paste activity to accompany "A New School Year" by Sally Derby will help 2nd-5th graders deal with…
Check students' prior knowledge of St. Patrick's Day or test them following your lesson with this quick, fun quiz. The…
This activity kit for Aaron Becker's "wordless" picture books consists of printables, activities and a guide for reading…
Increase reading abilities with an activity that build skills in drawing conclusions.
Read about the life and career of beloved author and illustrator Theodor Seuss Geisel. This biography reading warm-up…
Increase students' awareness of global issues with lesson planning ideas on diversity that unite art and culture.
Activities in this guide accompany Charlesbridge picture books. Use these resources to teach your students the six…
If school isn't in session as normal, and you have students at home who need to stay focused on learning, don't fret!…