Try a printable science activity that focuses on using a tuning fork.
Try a printable science activity that focuses on identifying and categorizing sounds.
Try a printable science activity that focuses on how electricity has made life easier.
Try a printable science activity that focuses on exploring sound through solids and through air.
Try a printable science activity that focuses on reflecting light.
Try a printable science activity that focuses on simple machines. Worksheet Description: Identify the simple machines…
Try a printable science activity that focuses on the vocabulary of sound.
Try a printable science activity that focuses on magnetic attraction.
Try a printable science activity that focuses on experimenting with buoyancy.
Distribute a printable set of vocabulary words related to force, magnets, and electricity.
Introduce your students to a lab that asks students to determine across which kind of surface (sand, rubber, etc.) makes…
Introduce your students to a lab that asks students to group an item based on its physical state and then draw pictures…
Students choose materials to mix in a bottle. They then observe the mixture right after it has been shaken, and again…
Students explore what happens when light hits different objects.
Students draw and label ways to make sounds.
Students place metal, foam, and plastic containers of water in the sun, and investigate which container warms up the…
Students learn about the strength of a magnet by testing how many paper clips a magnet can pick up.
Students predict and test how far objects will move when blown on.
Suggest a family activity to parents that focuses on states of matter and vocabulary words related to matter.
Suggest a family activity to parents that includes home projects and vocabulary words related to sound, heat, and light.
Suggest a family activity to parents that includes home projects and vocabulary words related to force, magnets, and…
Students plot animal sounds on a volume graph.
Students think about what components make up a light bulb, and attempt to draw a new one of their own.
Students demonstrate that they understand what sorts of objects generate heat and light.