Help reinforce the 5 times table with this multiplication worksheet. Students are asked to circle rows of 5 on a…
Have students complete this multiplication worksheet to reinforce the 2s time table. Students will count in 2s, solve…
In this division worksheet, students divide the food items equally among four children at a picnic. Students represent…
Students must add strings of numbers. This exercise asks students to practice finding combinations of 10 and doubles to…
The stamps in this worksheet act as visual aids to help children understand the 2 times table. Students write…
Develop students' understanding of the 2 times table with this worksheet. Students count pairs of eyes to write…
Have students complete this multiplication worksheet to reinforce the 5s time table. Students will count in 5s, solve…
Students use their knowledge of the 5 times table to complete each number sentence in this multiplication worksheet.
This multiplication and division worksheet reviews the 5 times table. Students are asked to write a number sentence to…
Have students complete this multiplication worksheet to reinforce the 10s time table. Students will count in 10s, solve…
This multiplication and division worksheet reviews the 10 times table. Students write a number sentence to solve each…
Use this multiplication worksheet to give students practice with the 3 times table. Students write number sentences to…
Use this multiplication worksheet to give students practice with the 4 times table. Students write number sentences to…
In this multiplication worksheet, students count objects in a picture and write number sentences to work out how many of…
Test students' understanding of the zero and commutative properties of addition. In this worksheet, students are asked…
Students must choose between addition and subtraction in order to solve each number sentence in this math worksheet.
In this equations worksheet, animals moving towards each other represent addition and animals moving away from each…
Using mental math, children complete each number sentence with the missing addend in this vertical addition worksheet.
Students are asked a data analysis problem that requires adding a long number string. They are encouraged to find ways…
Students are asked to complete a series of word problems that require making different combinations of tens.
Students are asked to fill in the missing numbers from sections of the 100 Chart.
Students are asked to use mental math imagery to solve a story problem.
Students are asked to create their own mental images in order to solve an addition problem.
Students are asked to use the base ten numeration system to answer addition problems.