Students apply their knowledge of math concepts to answer questions about a picture. This worksheet reviews key math…
In this worksheet, students are asked to show the same data information in three different ways. They are also asked to…
Students are asked to compare data sets based on an eye color inventory. They are also asked which subtraction equation…
Students are asked to find the rule involving groups of letters.
Students are asked to answer questions based on counting elephant toes. They are encouraged to use grouping as a problem…
Students are presented with two boxes of images and asked to guess the pattern rule that applies. They are then asked to…
Students are asked to match various road signs to the correct corresponding geometric shape.
Students are asked to group zoo animals based on their habitats.
Students are asked to compare data sets and answer questions based on the data. Then, they create their own theory…
In this exercise, students are asked to create categories based on what makes them laugh. They must also show this data…
Students are asked to analyze foods gathered from a survey and create categories based on similarities.
In the exercise, students practice representing data with Venn Diagrams.
In this worksheets, students are challenged to group data about zoo animals into flying and non-flying groups.
Students are asked to interpret data to develop theories. They must refer to the worksheet "Heavy or Light?" to answer…
This worksheet is an exercise on collecting, describing and representing data. Students are asked to fill in a chart…
Students are asked to find common attributes of puzzle pieces. Then, they use this data to create a name for the puzzle.
Students are asked to make generalizations about a collection of objects in a treasure chest.
In this worksheet, students are asked to use a Venn Diagram to interpret data and answer several questions.
Students are asked to examine a group of bugs to determine how they are the same and different.
Students must analyze data shown in two pictures in order to determine the two mystery rules.
Students are asked to represent data on hats in different ways. They must also analyze and interpret the data to answer…
In this worksheet, students are asked to group clothing into two categories. They are also asked to identify number…
Develop math skills with an activity that focuses on sorting, grouping, and counting names.
In this worksheet, students compare objects to discern which uses more blocks. Students are also asked to recognize…