Your students will be enchanted by the colorful cover art from J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.…
A yellow hat is a familiar site in the adventures of Curious George. In this activity about hats, children connect…
After reading Curious George Gets a Medal, use this printable activity to acknowledge another deserving book character…
In this printable, children will make a story prediction by previewing the pictures in Six Darn Cows, a classic tale by…
Celebrate nature with these lesson-planning resources and activities for Follow the Moon book and CD. This printable…
Learn how nature inspires David Ellwand's fairy fashions and designs by reading this Q&A with the author.
Use technology to encourage musical improvisation with these student activities and teacher strategies.
Incorporate technology with music education. These student activities and teacher strategies explain how to use software…
Connect technology and music education in your classroom. These student activities and teacher strategies use…
Technology can help students evaluate music. Learn how to incorporate technology in music education with these teacher…
Learn how technology can help you demonstrate music's relation to history and culture with these student activities and…
Create a mini-book about Patricia Polacco, a well known author.
Children draw train cars filled with their favorite things to supplement The Little Engine That Could!
Create ecology-related foldable 'books' with your class.
Create a miniature book about some species of endangered animals.
Use drama to extend learning from a book.
Try a library-skills activity that focuses on audiovisual materials.
Celebrate the adventures of Stanley Birdbaum with classroom activities and discussion ideas for Crazy Hair Day and Star…
Expose young children to Spanish vocabulary in this coloring page from the Dora the Explorer series. This printable…
Ask children to write or draw what they are curious about in the unlined space provided on this printable Curious George…
Bring Curious George to life with arts & crafts – use a printable mask of a beloved character. Children will enjoy using…
Learn how to draw Curious George with the step-by-step instructions in this printable.
In this author interview, children will read about Tony Fucile's interest in art and animation, his career as a writer,…
Bring the Katie Kazoo, Switcheroo series to life in your classroom with a reader's theater. Perform this three-act play…