Use this printable as a way of creating a more conductive classroom. The worksheet includes a list of rules,…
This blank, customizable chart is ready to be filled in with students' names and information. Tailor the PDF to your…
Use this guide to help students write a descriptive paragraph about a friend. This printable works well as part of an…
Classic kids' books for summer reading - with activities for family learning! Pick any book from this list of the best…
Have your kids uttered their first stereotype yet? Here are the words you need to talk with them about labeling people.
Asking students for quick answers is a bad idea. Here's why. You ask a lot of questions in class - and probably get…
These word problem worksheets will enhance students' skills with word problems while touching on other math concepts…
The articles featured in this slideshow can help you prepare for your first day of teaching. You'll find answers to…
Set up a "reading buddies" program with your students by pairing older and younger students together to read aloud to…
Distribute an article that explains what rubrics are, gives an easy-to-understand example, and lists their advantages.
Learn how to teach the concept of measurement to students in grades K-5, with this professional development resource for…
Use these activities to encourage your students to practice math skills over an extended school vacation.
A list of proactive measures that can be taken to keep order in your classroom.
A coping list checklist for the classroom.
Here is a list of activities that speak to each intelligence.
Introduce your students to the lives of famous and notable individuals with our biography printables. These resources,…
Introduce basic multiplication with this printable math worksheet. Students count sets of objects to determine the final…
In this printable reading warm-up, students read a nonfiction passage on the invention of Coca-Cola® and answer reading…
Foster trust in the classroom through this first day of school activity.
Encourage your students to activate their prior knowledge with this lesson plan on A House is a House for Me.
Learn about activities and support systems commonly found in successful inclusion programs.
Managing mounds of paper requires organization. These suggestions are successful strategies for creative and efficient…
Congratulate your classroom of graduates with certificates that celebrate their achievements! This customizable and…
Help students to track progress and create new habits with this daily point chart. Make behavior and task management…