Distribute a printable mini-book that focuses on taking care of a pet bird.
Distribute a printable social studies activity that has students giving facts about their town.
Distribute a printable social studies activity that focuses on four landforms.
Distribute a printable social studies activity that focuses on four types of transportation.
Distribute a printable social studies activity that focuses on the bus stop sign.
Distribute a printable social studies activity that focuses on daytime/nighttime.
Distribute a printable social studies activity that focuses on a simple phone directory.
Distribute a printable social studies activity that focuses on emergency phone numbers.
Distribute a printable social studies activity that focuses on counting and graphing pictures.
Identify rhyming words.
Create words using common word families.
Display this contraction guide in your classroom.
Examples of different parts of speech.
Make corrections to sentences that contain spelling, punctuation, and capitalization errors.
Try a printable science activity that focuses on simple machines.
Try a printable science activity that focuses on classifying and measuring.
Distribute a printable social studies activity that focuses on home address.
Identify the beginning, middle, and end of historical stories.
This variation of bingo teaches about important buildings, statues, and monuments in American history.
Locate the origin of food items found in local stores by tracing their routes from place of origin.
Learn the effects of specialization and interdependence of people. This worksheet includes several FutureFit Extension…
Interpret symbols and cardinal directions to locate places on the School Map.
Use this lesson with your students to help them Interpret symbols and cardinal directions to locate places on the…