Interesting facts and fun activities related to the story of the Pied Piper of Hamelin.
Interesting facts and fun activities related to The Wizard of Oz.
Interesting facts and fun activities related to Peanuts comics.
Interesting facts and fun activities related to White Cane Safety Day.
This printable article describes interesting facts and fun activities related to the Academy Awards, or "Oscars."
Interesting facts and fun activities related to Noah's birthday.
Interesting facts and fun activities related to Robert Louis Stevenson.
Read interesting facts and explore fun activities related to Christmas Eve. This printable lesson is a fun way to…
Teach children about the Native American tipi, then have them try the tipi experiment.
In this arts & crafts activity, students use fallen leaves to make decorative rubbings. This is a fun way to teach…
Six pages of Halloween patterns! In this arts & crafts activity, students create decorations using printable Halloween…
In this art activity, students use common materials to imitate Hindu floor paintings.
Introduce elementary students to independent research with these winter holiday projects.
In this art activity, children make their own Hanukkah cards using a candle pattern.
In this arts & crafts activity, students create a Rudolph paper doll. Rudolph is an American Christmas character – one…
In this art activity, students make their own winter snowflake cards.
Develop composition skills with this Abraham Lincoln writing activity.
Celebrate Valentine's Day with these activities.
In this art activity, students make their own cards for Valentine's Day, or to show their love for friends and family on…
In this art activity, students make their own Leprechaun marionette.
In this art activity, students learn about Passover by making their own Seder plate.
Print this coupon book for students to decorate, personalize, and give as a Mother's Day gift. It's filled with…
Students create and decorate a mobile about how they are a friend to an animal, a family member, a friend, and the…
Use the concept of friendship to teach students about fractions.