After reading Abe Lincoln's Dream, a children's story about the legacy of America's sixteenth president, use these…
Learn about George Washington, the first president of the United States. Though these educational videos and related…
Study the life and accomplishments of Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States. Though these educational…
Study the life of Barack Obama with the resources in this literature guide to Barack Obama: Son of Promise, Child of…
Create a pop-up book about George Washington that recounts his military service, presidency, and legacy.
In this printable reading warm-up, students read a short biography of George W. Bush and answer reading comprehension…
A biography of Gerald Rudolph Ford.
A biography of James Earl Carter, Jr.
A biography of Ronald Wilson Reagan.
A biography of George Herbert Walker Bush.
A biography of William Jefferson Clinton.
A chart listing presidential pets.
A biography of Abraham Lincoln.
A biography of Thomas Jefferson.
A biography of James Monroe.
A biography of John Quincy Adams.
A biography of Andrew Jackson.
A biography of Martin Van Buren.
A biography of William Henry Harrison.
A biography of John Tyler.
A biography of James Knox Polk.
A biography of Zachary Taylor.
A biography of Millard Fillmore.
A biography of Franklin Pierce.