Try a printable creative writing activity that focuses on fantasizing about life on other planets.
Included are worksheets and arts & crafts activities about the earth, the sun, climate, solids and liquids, rocks,…
Students cut apart and put together a puzzle of the moon.
In this printable reading warm-up, students learn about the sun, Earth, and the moon. Use the science passage and…
Distribute a printable set of vocabulary words related to the sky.
Students measure a paper plate, then step back five steps and measure it again, to understand why the sun looks smaller…
Fun and interactive activities that supplement a unique look at the science of interplanetary travel! This guide…
Students will learn about space, stars, planets, and more by writing stories and participating in other creative…
Browse a printable teacher resource book on astronomy that is full of ideas for you to use in your elementary classroom.…
Students make a booklet to tell a story.
Students draw a picture of the day sky and a picture of the night sky.
Have your students play pictionary with questions about the planets.
Students use this graphic organizer to record sunrise and sunset times. This printable is customizable. Tailor the PDF…
Why does the shape of the moon appear to change? This science animation explains the phases of the moon.
Children integrate their sky and moon observations with literature and creative writing.
Using storytelling as a tool for learning astronomy.
Connect math, science, and language arts as students act out the movement and rotation of the planets and create their…
Interesting facts and fun activities related to Kudryavka, the first dog in outer space.
Students say what they would like to observe using the Hubble Space Telescope.
Suggest a family activity to parents that focuses on the sun, moon, and stars, and on the phenomena of day and night.
Celebrate nature with these lesson-planning resources and activities for Follow the Moon book and CD. This printable…
Celebrate birthdays and learn about the Earth's journey around the sun. This activity kit for A Birthday Cake is No…
Mark the anniversary of the Apollo Moon landing (July 20, 1969) with the classroom activities and discussion questions…
Host a Zathura reading event in your classroom or school library. This event kit includes event invitations and nametags…