Students write their own story about Curious George.
With this slideshow, you'll see some of the many activities available that will help your students learn about how…
Help your students improve science skills with worksheets and activities about measurement, sound, color, and more! All…
Help your students improve science skills with worksheets and activities about plants, weather, the moon, and more! All…
Advance students' understanding of ornithology with the resources in this teacher's guide for Birds. First, discuss what…
Browse a printable teacher resource book that will get students excited about the animal kingdom. Students learn about…
In this arts & crafts activity, students use fallen leaves to make decorative rubbings. This is a fun way to teach…
Introduce elementary students to independent research with these winter holiday projects.
In this art activity, students make their own winter snowflake cards.
Teach students to take their pulse and do other measurements, and then compare them with their friends' measurements.
Improve students' fine motor skills with this farm animal lace cards activity.
Students can have fun coloring this sheep and gluing on cotton balls for wool!
Make puppets to use during creative play.
Enhance students' hand-eye coordination with this rooster art project.
Students connect the dots to reveal a hidden animal shape.
Use these cards to help students learn to identify and spell the names of circus animals. Cut the pictures from the…
Use a printable that contains a simple maze for students to try.
Students draw their favorite circus animal.
Students learn about camouflage and color in naturally camouflaged animals.
Students create a camouflaged snake.
In this art activity, students cut out, assemble, and color a dog.
Follow simple instructions to make a whale out of folded paper.
In this activity, students play a memory game using pictures of sea creatures.
In this fun science activity, kids watch a fish dance in vinegar and baking soda.