This choice board packet includes 16 different activities you can use with early readers to help them build fluency with…
Extend and enhance children's enjoyment of Curious George's First Day of School with the lesson planning resources in…
Bring Eric Carle's classic book, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, to life with these exciting and educational lesson plans…
Sight words are a staple for reading instruction, especially for early learners. The struggle is often how to…
Celebrate The Very Hungry Caterpillar Day on March 20 with this fun poster for Eric Carle's classic book. This…
Open classroom discussion and help children recognize the broader meaning of God's Dream, written by Archbishop Desmond…
Extend learning with a teacher's guide to Not Norman: A Goldfish Story. This printable guide contains cross-curricular…
Extend students' enjoyment of children's books by David Wiesner. This printable guide features reading, writing,…
On World Read Aloud Day and every day, make your read-aloud fun and interactive with the suggestions in these…
In this children's book, a young immigrant attempts to adapt to the new world he has been thrust into. Our Teacher…
Test your pupils' abilities to complete memorable phrases from popular nursery rhymes with this printable.
Early-readers will concentrate on and learn the consonants of the alphabet, with help from this printable book. They…
Students concentrate on the vowels of the alphabet through fill-in-the-blank, mazes, puzzles, and more. These reading…
Reach beginning readers with twelve lesson plans to use in conjunction with the Penguin Young Readers program. Written…
Enrich story hour with entertaining activities and reproducibles for the picture books Rex Wrecks It!, A Library Book…
Share the story of Otis with your students. Talk about the qualities of a good friendship, including loyalty and trust.…
Are you reading Otis in Spanish? Use this reading guide to help develop children's early literacy skills. This printable…
Use pictures from the children's book Otis to help kids draw farm animals and tools. Children will create a class mural…
Otis and the calf are great friends. In this friendship activity, children talk about their own special friends and draw…
Explain parades and introduce pretend play with this fun activity. Children will create a happy parade and dress up like…
Otis's friend, the calf, sinks and gets stuck in Mud Pond. This science and literature activity introduces the concepts…
Children will be given a variety of materials to create ears like Max, Ruby, and Grandma from Bunny Cakes. Children will…
In this early learning activity, children learn about recipes and the different ways that food can be prepared. Then,…
How do you read a wordless book to your class? This printable guide provides step-by-step instructions for teachers and…