Students determine which U.S. coins are needed to match the amount of change in the purse.
Students complete basic addition problems by using doubles as a clue. Thinking of addition problems as a number doubled…
By adding large numbers to small numbers, students find the sums. Both horizontal and vertical addition are utilized in…
Students draw pictures to demonstrate the word problems. These addition problems are a good introduction to basic…
Find the sum in these two-digit, vertical addition problems. Regrouping is not required to solve the problems in this…
Find the sum in these two-digit, vertical addition problems and word problems. Regrouping is not required to solve these…
Find the sum in the two-digit vertical addition problems featured on this printable math worksheet. Basic regrouping is…
Several coin values are provided on this printable math worksheet; students must circle the coins that add up to the…
Practice vertical addition with two-digit numbers, multiple addends, monetary values, and regrouping in this printable…
Test children's understanding of the zero property and the commutative property of addition, with this printable math…
Students add and subtract using pictures as a guide. Make sure children understand that animals approaching each other…
Reinforce basic adding skills with this printable worksheet. Students add the small numbers together to find the…
Students draw a ring to enclose 10 items in each group of objects, then they write the numbers that represent the items…
Students practice basic addition by doubling the numbers provided in this printable math worksheet. This exercise is an…
Add or subtract 10 from each of the numbers provided, from 0 to 30, in this printable math worksheet. This exercise will…
Using dice as a visual clue, students add two, three, or four numbers to complete the addition problem. This printable…
Students use vertical addition to add three numbers. Then, they create their own addition problems in this math…
Give this handout to families to help them support their child's skills in addition and subtraction.
This handout for Spanish speaking parents helps them support their child's skills in addition and subtraction.
Students figure out different ways to add numbers to equal ten.
Students are encouraged to use counters to practice adding and subtracting.
Students add and subtract with objects.
Students decide which addition and subtraction number sentences don't belong.
Students use a data chart to answer an addition word problem.