Educate students about haemophilia, a genetic blood clotting disorder, with this true/false worksheet. Pupils will…
This factsheet gives pupils information about suicide and offers advice to help them identify classmates who might be at…
Talk to your pupils about headaches and migraines, then have them compare the two in this printable Venn diagram…
Review the effects of inherited diseases, including Tay-Sachs and Huntington's disease, using the questions in this…
Get students thinking about the process and applications of genetic engineering, using the questions in this science…
Educate students about magnetism, the human body, and advances in medical technology with a reading passage and…
Learn more about the impact of suicide on today's youth with these statistics, provided by the Society for the…
Learn to identify the warning signs exhibited by students who are at a higher risk for suicide, and reinforce good…
Learn some basic techniques for talking to at-risk students about suicide.
Find out more about suicide risk factors, so that you can recognize when students are at an elevated risk.
Bolster your students' resiliency by fostering protective factors, behaviors, and characteristics that can help them…
Learn more about SPTS and their philosophy, and get general information about teen suicide prevention and the role of…
Read some commonly asked questions and prevalent myths about teen suicide, explained by the Society for the Prevention…
This printable contains 10 discussion questions for God's Hotel: A Doctor, a Hospital, and a Pilgrimage to the Heart of…
Get the facts about Malaria symptoms, transmission, treatment, and disease prevention. Read this article to learn more…
In this life science printable, students will label the parts, classify, and review the structure of a virus. As a skill…
Engage students in a thoughtful discussion about physical appearance, social hierarchy, friendship, and revenge with the…
Learn about cancer risks you can avoid. The information in this article can help you protect yourself from developing…
Learn about the difference between benign and malignant tumors in this article about cancer.
Challenge your students with a scientific and ethical discussion about the benefits and possible dangers of cloning, in…
Learn about the origins, outbreaks, transmission, and more of the H5N1 virus, also called Avian influenza A.
Read this article to learn about food-borne illness and nine prominent bacteria that can cause them.
Find tips and ideas for making healthy food choices when packing lunches and snacks.
Share an article that, from the Center for Disease Control, explains anthrax - how it is transmitted, the symptoms, and…