Join in with 2016's Read for the Record and read The Bear Ate Your Sandwich, by Julia Sarcone-Roach. Then enjoy these complementary activities to extend learning of the book. This activity guide is in Spanish.
Jumpstart is a national early education organization working toward the day every child in America enters kindergarten prepared to succeed. To learn more, visit
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Spring Plants Choice Board for Elementary Grades
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Words That End in -ce, -ge, or -se, and Words That Show Possession
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Guía de Lectura para No a Norman: La historia de un pececito dorado
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Arquitectos de Peceras
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Collage De Lista De Compras
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El Cuidado de las Mascotas
En esta actividad, los niños simulan cuidar a diferentes mascotas.
Vayamos A La Tienda De Abarrotes
Los nińos desarrollan vocabulario y comprensión a medida que simulan ir a la tienda de abarrotes y compran.