This article explains the history and controversy behind the 2008 Summer Olympic Games that were held in Beijing, China. Learn more on why the location was protested and how the Chinese government handled the situation.
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On March 10, 2008, protests arose in Tibet on the anniversary of the failed uprising against Chinese rule. Chinese officials beat, arrested, and killed protesters in Lhasa, Tibet. Riots spread and many buildings were burned. Tibetans say over 100 people were killed, but China claims only 22 people died.

Protests by human rights groups disrupted the 21-nation Olympic torch relay in April 2008. Activists were protesting China's human rights policies and the violent crackdown by Chinese police on protests by ethnic Tibetans and Buddhist monks in Lhasa, Tibet. In Istanbul, London, Paris, San Francisco, and New Delhi protesters chased torch bearers, attempted to extinguish the torch, and clashed with police, which resulted in dozens of arrests. The torch was guarded by 3,000 policemen in Paris, but it was extinguished several times and the designated route was cut short to prevent further aggression. To avoid more violence, a last minute route change was made in San Francisco, allowing the torch to make it safely onto to a plane to its next stop, Buenos Aires.

Security Concerns

While China's political involvement around the world is of great concern to human rights activists, it is the government's policies during the Olympics that most concern those who will actually be attending the event. Four different factories have already been accused of using child labor in the manufacturing of official Beijing 2008 souvenirs, and some dog food and toothpaste products that originated in China have been recalled due to the presence of poisonous ingredients in them. These developments have led to concerns about the safety of the food and supplies that will be provided to the 10,000 athletes, 500,000 foreign tourists, and 1 million Chinese guests who will travel to the Games. Of even greater concern to the athletic community is the fact that, according to numbers released by state-run Chinese television, the security budget for the Games is $300 million – 20% of what was spent on security in Athens for the 2004 games.

How Will the Games Change China?

Chinese officials say they have kept security costs down by relying on domestic suppliers, but they have otherwise been tight-lipped about their plans to protect athletes and spectators. However, security concerns are nothing new to the Olympic Games, and outside sources, such as the FBI, have stepped in to offer organizers information that will help secure the event. The Olympic Games offer the Chinese people an unprecedented opportunity to cast the country in a new light and to show that they are equal to the world's most prosperous nations. Despite the criticism they have received in the lead up to the games, a safe, successful two weeks will go a long way toward making this a reality.


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