- Students will sing folk songs from different ethnic origins, using stylistically appropriate articulation.
- Copies of "Calypso, Calypso" and "Silver Moon Boat"
- Have students sing "Calypso, Calypso" and "Silver Moon Boat Song," expressively.
- Review with students that "Silver Moon Boat Song" is a folk song from China and that the calypso style is from the West Indies.
- Have students experiment singing "Calypso, Calypso" in a legato style and "Silver Moon Boat Song" percussively.
- Discuss with students which style of articulation seems to work best for each song and why.
This lesson plan is found in the MENC Publication Strategies for Teaching Middle-Level General Music. This publication is available for purchase at 1-800-828-0229 or online at www.menc.org.
Provided in partnership with NAfME |