Hand out this questionnaire to parents to help them learn about Multiple Intelligences theory.
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Multiple Intelligences Questionnaire

Multiple Intelligences is the theory, created by Howard Gardner, that every person excels at a different type of learning. For an in-depth explanation of the theory, read the Multiple Intelligences Overview.

Use the following checklist to determine which intelligence each of your students possesses. Send it home to parents so they can better understand how their child functions and learns in the classroom. Then, check out our other Multiple Intelligences Resources.

Linguistic Intelligence

Does your child:

  • Enjoy listening to other people talking?
  • Get annoyed with people who use improper English? (for example, He don't know the answer.)
  • Like to learn new words?
  • Give good directions to others so that they understand the first time?
  • Like to tell stories?
  • Enjoy reading books?
  • Have a good memory for names, dates, and trivia?

If this sounds familiar, then your child might someday write a bestseller or become fluent in four languages.

Logical-Mathematical Intelligence

Does your child:

  • Like to work with computers and calculators?
  • Enjoy math class?
  • Easily add numbers in her head?
  • Enjoy doing science experiments?
  • Ask a lot of questions about how things work?
  • Enjoy chess, checkers, or other strategy games?
  • Enjoy logic puzzles or brainteasers?

If so, then your child could one day design sky-scrapers or program computers.

Spatial intelligence

Does your child:

  • Prefer to draw pictures rather than tell stories?
  • Find her way around a new place easily?
  • Like to take things apart and then try to figure out how to put them back together?
  • Read maps, charts, or diagrams more easily than text?
  • Daydream more than peers?
  • Build interesting three-dimensional constructions (like LEGO buildings)?
  • Doodle a lot on notebooks?

If this is your child, then she could grow up to paint a masterpiece or fix car engines.

Bodily-kinesthetic Intelligence

Does your child:

  • Find activities like riding a bicycle, skating, or walking on a balance beam easy?
  • Use a lot of hand gestures and body movement when talking to friends?
  • Run, swim, and exercise without getting tired?
  • Learn to play new sports easily and quickly?
  • Like to touch something she has just seen?
  • Report different physical sensations while thinking or working?
  • Cleverly mimic other people's gestures or mannerisms?
  • Move, tap, or fidget while seated for a long time in one spot?

If yes, then your child could develop into an expert skier or someone who amuses her friends with hilarious impersonations.

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