- Using reference material, the students will be able to gather as many facts as possible for a State Scavenger Hunt
- State Scavenger Hunt questions (see #1 in procedures)
- Reference materials (encyclopedias, AAA Travel Guides, atlases)
- Internet Resources - A great one is: http://www.infoplease.com/states.html/
- Solicit a list of questions that people like to know about different states (What type of wildlife? What kind of weather?).
- Have students copy down the ten questions they like best from the list.
- Divide the class into partner groups.
- Show the class the reference materials available to them. Explain the types of information found in each reference material and how each one is organized.
- Give the students a time limit on fact gathering.
- At the end of the allotted time, gather the class together to go over the facts gathered.
- Discuss possible places to find the hard to find information that has not as yet been located.
- Tell the students that they can earn extra credit if they can find any of the missing information on their own. Give them two days to turn in their extra credit work.
Students use reference materials to gather information about the United States.