Students become familiar with the different types of poetry.
Heroic Couplets
Review these couplets written in iambic pentameter.
Independent Reading Guide: Poetry
Use a teaching guide that helps students analyze the elements of poetry, their responses to the selection, and the craft of the genre.
Promises: Writing a Poem
In this activity, students will learn why some events anticipate other events. Then they will write a poem about a promise.
Writing Weathergrams
Students will learn about weathergrams in this poetry activity. They will then write their own weathergram.
If I Were in Charge of the World
In this computer activity, students read and discuss a poem, imagining what the world would be like if they were in charge. They practice their word processing skills while writing and typing their own poems.
Acrostic Poems
In this computer activity, students review acrostic poems and compose their own poem on a PowerPoint slide. Then, they illustrate their work with clip art, WordArt, or digital images.
Langston Hughes, an Everyday Poet
Read about Langston Hughes's achievements, and explore the related activities to learn more about this renowned poet.
More lessons and activities for all grades.
Tell Me a Story, Write Me a Poem!
Children practice storytelling and write a narrative poem.
More lessons and activities for all grades.
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