An article listing a few funny laws that have passed in the U.S.

It's hard to believe that these laws are actually on the books throughout the U.S. Most of them were passed many years ago, when the times and thinking were very different. Some seem so silly, it's hard to believe the lawmakers weren't joking.

It's against the law ...

  • to slurp your soup in a public eating place in New Jersey.
  • to holler “snake” within the city limits of Flowery Branch, Ga.
  • for frogs to croak after 11:00 P.M. in Memphis, Tenn.
  • to read comics while riding in a car in Norman, Okla.
  • to remove your shoes if your feet smell while you're in a theater in Winnetka, Ill.
  • to buy ice cream after 6:00 P.M. in Newark, N.J., unless you have a written note from a doctor.
  • for cars to drip on the pavement in Green Bay, Wis. There is a $1 fine for each drip.
  • to enter a public theater or a streetcar within four hours of eating garlic in Gary, Ind.
  • for dogs to get in the way of people walking in Pateros, Wash.
  • to ride a bike into a swimming pool in Baldwin Park, Calif.
  • to wipe dishes dry in Minneapolis, Minn. Dishes should be left to drip dry.
  • for kids to buy lollipops in Spokane, Wash.
  • to push dirt under a rug in Pittsburgh, Pa.
  • for a barber to shave a customer's chest in Omaha, Nebr.
  • for boys to throw snowballs at trees in Mount Pulaski, Ill.

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