After reading and discussing the genre of historical fiction, students consider the life of immigrants and write a story...
Give your students this sample citizenship test to see if they would pass. This printable includes a variety of question...
Students view photographs of immigrants (included in this printable), pretend they are recent immigrants to America, and...
The Keeping Quilt is a multi-generational story that follows a beloved quilt from one family member to another. The reso...
Simulate the immigration process at Ellis Island, with some students acting as examiners and others pretending to be imm...
In this children's book, a young immigrant attempts to adapt to the new world he has been thrust into. Our Teacher Discu...
Students use estimation and budgeting skills to decide what artifacts the school should "purchase" for an exhibit on anc...
Students will create a character who immigrates to the United States. They will base a large portion of their stories on...
Students will learn about life in turn-of-the-century immigrant life in New York City with the Immigrants' Experiences L...
Engage pupils in a discussion about the characters, themes, and events in The Importance of Wings with the questions in ...
Improve students' reading skills and their knowledge of immigration in American history. This printable contains a nonfi...
Students use a Web resource to share some of the experiences of immigrants who recently arrived at Ellis Island. Then, a...