Looking for ways to incorporate social-emotional learning, character education, and life skills into your traditional academic curriculum?

FutureFit is a curriculum enhancement framework designed to empower you to easily integrate social-emotional learning and character education into traditional academic curriculum.

Browse our library of project-based learning (PBL) units to integrate FutureFit's SEL principles into your curriculum.

FutureFit Future-Ready Skills

Keep reading to learn how you can bring life skills to the classroom and new life to your teaching through FutureFit's specially-curated resources, project-based lessons, and variety of mini-activities. If a refresher on social-emotional learning's benefits is needed, we have a great article that breaks it all down for you.


What Is FutureFit?

A Framework to Easily Add SEL and Character Education to What You Already Teach

For a deeper look into how the FutureFit framework can improve student outcomes, download our free white paper, The Importance of Making Students Future-Ready.

We've created and curated a collection of resources that give you the freedom and flexibility to easily add a FutureFit focus to your classroom. Whether you're looking for a complete project-based lesson or worksheets, videos, assessments and activities that integrate SEL and character education, you can find and identify them throughout the TeacherVision site by looking for the FutureFit icons.  

Quick links to help you get started with FutureFit

We Took the Whole Child Approach and Created a Collection of Easy-to-Understand Skills

The FutureFit skill domains, conceived with input from educators, focus on a "whole child" approach, inspiring students to reach their full potential in the classroom, in college, in their careers, and in the community. Designed to be agnostic while also acknowledging the important work and prior research conducted in this area, the FutureFit skill domains are robust and flexible. Learn more about the complete list of FutureFit skills here. 

How the FutureFit Framework Works

Look for the special FutureFit icons throughout TeacherVision to help identify resources curated for use in social-emotional and character-education lessons.

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FutureFit consists of three distinct types of resources:

  • FutureFit Projects: Complete project-based lessons developed by teachers and curriculum experts to incorporate FutureFit concepts into standard curriculum units.
  • FutureFit Boost Extension Activities: Concise, focused FutureFit activities and projects specially written by teachers and curriculum experts to accompany other TeacherVision resources.
  • FutureFit Supplemental Resources: A variety of specially-curated worksheets, videos, lesson plans, reading guides and related resources throughout TeacherVision.

Why Integrate SEL Into Your Curriculum?

Inspire Your Students to be Changemakers

With FutureFit, incorporating skills and concepts like growth mindset, critical thinking, collaboration, self-awareness and service mentality into traditional math, ELA, science, and social studies lessons you already use is simple and straightforward.

Incorporating social-emotional learning and character education into K-12 classrooms measurably improves students’ lives. From higher test scores to better graduation rates to increased lifetime earning potential, there is a direct correlation between integrating SEL and “life skills” into existing curriculum and improved student outcomes.

We know that teaching is aspirational, that you want to make a difference every day, and that you don't get out of bed every morning to preside over the administration of a pile of "drill and kill" practice tests. We also know that a teacher's job is never done, and that finding the time to inspire your students in ways that extend beyond their academic lessons can be challenging.

FutureFit helps your aspirations become inspirations. Adding lessons in effective communication, reflective practice, initiative, global awareness, leadership, and accountability to your teaching is easy using our curated FutureFit resources. The time you'll save looking for the perfect blend of social-emotional and academic learning can now be used to accomplish the things you DO get out of bed for in the morning: inspiring and enabling your students to be capable, well-rounded, inquisitive and productive. 

“We can no longer afford to view social-emotional learning and character education as pleasant supplements to the curriculum.”

Michael DiSchiavi, 20-year veteran educator

New York City public school system

Most educators embrace this concept wholeheartedly, and try hard to integrate SEL and other important concepts and ideas into their classrooms. They know that there is much more to teaching than drilling on standards, managing the classroom, and navigating an ever-changing policy and accountability landscape. Inspiring students to achieve and make an impact - in the classroom, in college, in their careers, and in the community - is what gets most teachers out of bed in the morning, and gets them through long days and longer school years.

At TeacherVision, we know that a teacher’s job is never done and that the opportunity to be truly inspirational is, unfortunately, largely aspirational. Life skills and social-emotional concepts are a vital part of the curriculum, but they are hard to teach. Concise and classroom-ready descriptions of “21st Century skills” are lacking. Practical, focused resources are hard to find, organize, and use. Flexible, easy-to-follow strategies for integrating those resources with standard curricula are hit-or-miss.

Still wondering how to get started with FutureFit's social-emotional learning framework? Start with a FutureFit Project below. Or, learn what FutureFit Projects are and how they work here.

FutureFit Projects

FutureFit Projects are designed to supplement a standard 12-15-unit lesson by offering a unique, project-based learning experience that ties together core academic concepts with a set of FutureFit social-emotional and character education skills. Each project is labeled with the FutureFit skills that apply.

Introducing Dinosaurs Cover Image

Introducing Dinosaurs Mini-Lesson

Use this mini-lesson to introduce students to the characteristics of dinosaurs.  Excerpted from Eyewitness: Dinosaur David Lambert Discover the prehistoric world of dinosaurs. Packed with real dinosaur fossils, this book features computer reconstructions bringing the fossils to life and reflecting the latest ideas on how dinosaurs looked and behaved.

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Hot Rocks Cover Image

Hot Rocks Mini-Lesson

Use this mini-lesson to introduce students to the concepts of "hot spots" and to discuss the different kinds of lava that flow from active volcanos.  Excerpted from Eyewitness: Volcano & Earthquake James Putnam and Sussanna Van Rose Discover the power of volcanoes and earthquakes, from hot spots to tsunamis, in this visually-stunning guide.

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Introducing Inventors Cover Image

Introducing Inventions Mini-Lesson

Use this mini-lesson to introduce students to how discoveries differ from inventions. Teach students the variety of different inventions.  Excerpted from Eyewitness: Invention Lionel Bender Discover the fascinating story behind amazing inventions and learn how they have changed the world. Receive 20% off your DK purchase with promo code DKCLIP.

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Building Nests Cover Image

Building Nests Mini-Lesson

Use this mini-lesson to introduce students to the different kinds of nests birds build, and the variety of material they use in building them.  Excerpted from Eyewitness: Bird David Burnie An in-depth, comprehensive look at the world of birds with a unique integration of words and pictures. Receive 20% off your DK purchase with promo code DKCLIP.

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Seed Dispersal Cover Image

Seed Dispersal Mini-Lesson

Use this mini-lesson to introduce students to the various ways that seeds can spread to make more plants.  Excerpted from Eyewitness: Plant David Burnie Find stunning photographs of plants from the seed to flower, and learn their fascinating differences and features. Receive 20% off your DK purchase with promo code DKCLIP.

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Nature's Weather Clues Cover Image

Nature's Weather Clues Mini-Lesson

Use this mini-lesson to introduce students to the clues nature provides for changing weather.  Excerpted from Eyewitness: Weather Brian Cosgrove Discover the world's weather—from heat waves and droughts to blizzards and floods—through spectacular photographs and facts. Receive 20% off your DK purchase with promo code DKCLIP.

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Modern Olympic Beginnings Cover Image

Modern Olympic Beginnings Mini-Lesson

Use this mini-lesson to introduce students to the beginnings of the modern Olympic Games. Excerpted from Eyewitness: Olympics Chris Oxlade Get an exciting overview of the ancient games, the rebirth of the Olympics at the end of the 19th century, and a very brief history of the winter and summer games, all with spectacular photos of athletes and equipment.

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More About Minerals Cover Image

More About Minerals Mini-Lesson

Use this mini-lesson to introduce students to the different kinds of minerals. Explain how some minerals are used and how to identify them.  Excerpted from Eyewitness: Rocks & Minerals R.F. Symes Get an in-depth, comprehensive look at rocks and minerals with a unique integration of words and pictures.

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Intro to Rocks Cover Image

Intro to Rocks Mini-Lesson

Use this mini-lesson to introduce students to rocks. Explain what rocks are made of, the three different ways in which they form, and some of the ways in which surface rocks can be broken down.  Excerpted from Eyewitness: Rocks & Minerals R.F. Symes Get an in-depth, comprehensive look at rocks and minerals with a unique integration of words and pictures.

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Characteristics of Mammals Cover Image

Characteristics of Mammals Mini-Lesson

Use this mini-lesson to introduce students to the defining characteristics of mammals.  Excerpted from Eyewitness: Mammal Steve Parker Here is a spectacular and informative guide to the natural world of mammals, offer a unique "eyewitness" view of the natural history of mammal behavior and anatomy through stunning real-life photographs.

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Exploding Mountains Cover Image

Exploding Mountains Mini-Lesson

Use this mini-lesson to introduce students to exploding mountains. Teach students the destructive power of volcanic eruptions.  Excerpted from Eyewitness: Volcano and Earthquake James Putnam and Sussanna Van Rose  Discover the power of volcanoes and earthquakes, from hot spots to tsunamis, in this visually-stunning guide.

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Bird Beaks Cover Image

Adaptations: Bird Beaks Mini-Lesson

Use this mini-lesson to introduce students to the different types of bird beaks. Teach them that different beaks enable birds to eat different kinds of food. Excerpted from Eyewitness: Bird David Burnie An in-depth, comprehensive look at the world of birds with a unique integration of words and pictures. Receive 20% off your DK purchase with promo code DKCLIP.

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Restless Air Cover Image

The Restless Air Mini-Lesson

Use this mini-lesson to introduce students to the importance wind has on weather.  Excerpted from Eyewitness: Weather Brian Cosgrove Discover the world's weather—from heat waves and droughts to blizzards and floods—through spectacular photographs and facts. Receive 20% off your DK purchase with promo code DKCLIP.

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Knights of the Middle Ages Cover Image

Knights of the Middle Ages

Use this mini-lesson to introduce students to knights, the brave warriors on horseback who fought in western Europe from about 800 to the 1600s. Teach students about some of the milestones required to become a medieval knight and the duties required of the position.

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Life in Medieval Times Cover Image

Life in Medieval Times Mini-Lesson

Use this mini-lesson to introduce students to the different roles people held in medieval society.  Excerpted from Eyewitness: Medieval Life Andrew Langley Eyewitness: Medieval Life gives the reader an in-depth look at life in both the town and country for the peasants as well as the aristocracy, from the end of the Dark Ages to the Renaissance in the 15th century.

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Intro to Water Cover Image

Intro to Water Mini-Lesson

Use this mini-lesson to introduce students to ocean and fresh water distribution. Teach them that water is constantly moved around the planet via the water cycle.

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Introducing Deserts Cover Image

Introducing Deserts Mini-Lesson

Use this mini-lesson to introduce students to the ecosystem of deserts. Introduce students to plant and animal adaptations that help organisms survive in the harsh desert environment.  Excerpted from Eyewitness: Desert Miranda MacQuitty Eyewitness: Desert is a detailed guide to some of the most inhospitable places on Earth.

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The Beginnings of Ancient China Cover Image

The Beginnings of Ancient China Lesson

Use this mini-lesson to introduce students to ancient China. Teach students about the unification of ancient China in 221 B.C. under the Qin dynasty.  Excerpted from Eyewitness: Ancient China E.j. Opik and Laura Buller This book is a spectacular and informative guide to the history of the great Chinese empire and the customs and traditions of its people.

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Ocean Zones Cover Image

Ocean Zones Mini-Lesson

Use this mini-lesson to introduce students to the main zones in the ocean. Teach them about the characteristics of different ocean zones.  Excerpted from Eyewitness: ocean Miranda MacQuitty Discover the watery world covering most of the Earth—and the amazing wildlife in its depths. Receive 20% off your DK purchase with promo code DKCLIP.

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The Amazing Rain Forest Cover Image

The Amazing Rain Forest Mini-Lesson

Use this mini-lesson to introduce students to the importance of rain forest biomes. Teach students that rain forests support a wide variety of plants and animals. Excerpted from Eyewitness: Jungle Kristen Lippincott View some of the most spectacular habitats on Earth, including the plants, animals, and insects that thrive there.

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