Do you teach or support English Language Learners? Do you want to learn how to help students develop academic English skills and provide culturally responsive instruction? In this course, you will learn how to help your students learn the value of language in your classroom.
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Teaching Strategies:

Do your students know how to code switch? Learn how to accommodate and respond to linguistic diversity among English speakers to narrow the achievement gap. Learn directly from University of Southern California professor Dr. Uju Anya how to help students develop academic English skills, promote access core academic content, and provide culturally responsive instruction. Help your students learn how to value language in your classroom, interact with the language, and internalize it themselves. This course includes videos of authentic classroom practice, a coach to provide personalized feedback, and flexibility to engage with the content on your schedule.

  • Practical guidance from an expert on helping students develop academic English skills
  • Convenient, flexible online format
  • 45 PD hours or 3 graduate credits
Skills You'll Learn

In this course, you'll learn how to identify syntactical, grammatical, and phonological features most prominent in the varieties of English spoken by your students. You will assess your students' various levels of language proficiency and create games and plan cooperative learning activities to build academic language mastery that also support students to identify the conventions and differences in academic language.

Course Overview

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About the Instructor

Dr. Uju Anya is an assistant professor of clinical education at the USC Rossier School of Education Master of Arts in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (MAT-TESOL) program. She trains graduate teaching candidates in language learning theory, bilingual education, and classroom instructional methods. Dr. Anya conducts research in applied linguistics, sociolinguistics, and language learning with particular focus on race, gender, sexual, and social class identities in the language classroom. She also has expertise in service-learning and civic engagement in secondary and university level language pedagogy.

PCG Education

PCG’s Education practice offers consulting services and technology solutions that help teachers, schools, school districts, and state education agencies/ministries of education to promote student success, improve programs and processes, and optimize resources. PCG offers more than 50 online professional development courses to help teachers improve their skills, grow their careers and more effectively help and support their students.


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